What Makes Us
Stand Out
Providing a truly boutique experience for clients, focused on client, not generic needs, accomplished through a variety of comprehensive services, created with a flexible and adaptable approach.
We work with clients where they are, help identify where our expertise fits, and develop high quality services and strategies resulting in solution-oriented outcomes.
Aging Services in Affordable Housing

Service Coordination
MJ specializes in providing aging services, service coordination, supportive services and educational programming focused on empowering our senior and disabled residents to live independently and our families to be economically self-sufficient. Currently, MJ Housing & Services serves over 6,000 residents at 54 affordable housing communities in all regions of the U.S. Each community offers free, comprehensive services to all interested residents at our on-site community centers.
Benefits of Service Coordination:
Improving community well-being and the quality of residents’ lives
Reduce legal fees through reduced evictions and vacancies
Reducing use of emergency services (Police, fire, emergency room)
Reducing use of in-room pull cord
Reducing preventable hospitalizations or length of stay
Reducing number and nature of complaints and disputes
Fostering a positive community which reduce lease violations, thereby increasing safety and property marketability
Ownership Outcomes of Service Coordination:
Support property managers, by relieving managers’ stress and burden, and creating a more positive atmosphere.
Recent estimates show that every prevented eviction saves at least $3,700 for a typical building. At that rate, the annual cost of a resident services coordinator is fully repaid by preventing just 10 evictions over the course of a year.
Resident Service Coordination services across U.S properties reach an average of nearly $2,000,000 in vacancy turnover savings per year.
Average cost to property when vacancy occurs = $1732 (cleaning, carpeting, vacancy loss, legal fees, contract loss)

Quality Assurance
Review and timely submission of all HUD required reports including Semi-Annual Reports, Training Log, QA Annual Report, Logic Model, Financial Status Report and Grant Extensions with budgets.
Quality Assurance Benefits:
Conduct annual face to face HUD required QA on-site review (and 6 months on-site review for new Coordinators).
On-site audit includes: File review; resident/manager interviews; review of resource directory and overall review of the quality of the SC program and other mandatory HUD compliance requirements.
Provide trainings on how to prepare for a HUD Desk Audit. Deliver 8 – 10 HUD required trainings per year.
Review all Coordinators AASC on-line case management reporting throughout the month.
Provide emergency on-call support and guidance daily.
Update ownership and property mgt. on SC performance.
Quarterly – Face to Face meeting with operators of Co-ops, SCs, and MJ Housing President.
Southern California – Thirty SCs meet nine times a year with QA Provider for 7-8 hours (includes travel) and are provided quality assurance technical guidance, trainings from outside agencies and participation with the other SCs in case studies. Cost is approximately $25 for lunch and travel.
All SCs in states and cities other than those in Southern California participate in monthly web cam conference calls and cover the same information and trainings presented in the Southern California meeting. In addition, there are a minimum of two face to face QA Annual Audits (first year) and one every year thereafter with all SC sites.

Grant Writing & Fundraising
Madelyne Pfeiffer, CEO MJ has a successful track record of grant writing and fundraising in aging services in the amount of over three million dollars.
Grant Writing, Fundraising and Administration Benefits:
Write SC grants or budget-based applications and can administer them if funding is received.
Identify and apply for aging services related grants including supportive services in telehealth, aging technology, and research grants, and more
Train service coordinators and administrative staff on creating fundraising plans and learning how to ‘make the ask’ to effectively reach annual fundraising goals or subsidize SC program. Teach SCs how to organize fundraising events and solicit in-kind donations

Training & Education
Provide trainings at over a dozen national and local conferences focused on affordable housing and supportive housing/resident services/low income communities.
Training & Education Benefits:
Faculty member of American Association of Service Coordinators.
Train and educate new QA Supervisors and Service Coordinators and help them set up internal QA programs. Provide Training to Property Managers at AHMA and SAHMA.
Deliver trainings to Coordinators on all required subject categories of HUD SC grant and trainings based on the needs of the SC and their community.
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